Other Wild Beers
18 products
Showing 1 - 18 of 18 products
These unique beers vary in color and can take on the hues of added fruits or other ingredients. Horsey, goaty, leathery, phenolic, and some fruity acidic character derived from Brettanomyces organisms may be evident, but in balance with other components of an American Brett beer. Brett beer and sour beer are not synonymous.
Oud Bruins, not restricted to, but concentrated in Flanders, are light to medium-bodied and deep copper to brown in color. They are extremely varied, characterized by a slight vinegar or lactic sourness and spiciness to smooth and sweet. A fruity-estery character is apparent with no hop flavor or aroma. Low to medium bitterness. Very small quantities of diacetyl are acceptable. Roasted malt character in aroma and flavor is acceptable, at low levels. Oak-like or woody characteristics may be pleasantly integrated into the overall palate. Typically, old and new Brown Ales are blended, like Lambics.
Flanders Red
A sour, fruity, red wine-like Belgian-style ale with supportive malt flavors and fruit complexity with a dry finish and tannin characteristics. Typically light-bodied with reddish-brown colors, they are known for their distinct sharp, fruity, sour, and tart flavors which are created by special yeast strains. Very complex beers, they are produced under the age-old tradition of long-term cask aging in oak, and the blending of young and old beers.